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March 21, 2023

Introducing Storytail 2.0: an experience builder

Ryan Hayward
Co-Founder, Storytail

Today we’re excited to announce our new direction at Storytail. Over the past 18 months, we’ve gone deep learning about how we build transformative stories through live content.

We’ve learnt that what gets our users excited is the creation of experience. Being able to build your content all in one place, rather than having to tie everything together with sticky tape to another platform. The power of experience is in the builder. And we’re doubling down on that.

Today we launching 3 major upgrades to the Storytail platform that will transform the way you build and host live content.

Introducing Scenes 2.0

Scenes has been our most exciting feature. The ability to embed all your favourite tools and websites in one place with the control to switch between and not having to juggle multiple tabs has been something that our users crave. And today, we’re taking scenes to a whole new level.

A massive update to scenes is our new collection of native scenes. You can now add buttons, links, social links, downloads, call-to-actions all in Storytail with our simple no-code editor.

Moving forward, we’ll be doubling down our efforts on building more native solutions to scenes to eliminate screensharing all together to create a truly connected experience.

Story templates

Creating beautiful & transformative stories is often difficult. Today we’re excited to launch our first batch of story templates. Now, instead of starting from a blank canvas you can fast-track your next experience with a powerful template.

From your next masterclass to sales presentation, explore our growing library of story templates!

Advancements to personalisation

We’ve always said that Storytail is your home, not ours. We’ve always given you the ability to upload your own assets - but not everyone is a designer. In Storytail 2.0, we’ve shipped some incredible advancements to personalisation that enables you to create beautiful & stunning experiences that’s even more simple without design expertise.

Firstly, we’ve reimagined our experience creation process. Before, you had to fill out a bunch of form fields that felt exhausting. With our new streamlined creation process, you build the bones of your experience visually so you can understand exactly what your experience will look like even before you jump into the backstage.

Unsplash Integration

Select from over 3 million high-resolution images and graphics - Using our new Unsplash integration, you can now search from literally millions of high-quality images to include in your experience.

The little things

We’ve also been focussing really hard on the little things too that make Storytail great. Reliability is such a critical element of what we’re building. Over the past few months, we’ve spent a lot of development time ensuring that the platform is stable and scalable.

We’re pleased to announce that you can host live content on Storytail up to 1000 participants and we’ve enhanced our security to make sure your sessions are air-tight.

And there’s all the teeny weeny things that add up in a big way:

  • Quicker loading time.
  • Smarter & smoother transitions so your experience doesn’t feel clunky.
  • UI & UX upgrades.
  • A new help docs with video tutorials.
  • A working, workbook. 😅
  • Video feeds no longer hide when tools are open.

We’ve shipped a lot today. But it really is just the beginning of a new era of experience-led content. We’re eternally grateful to all our beta users & supporters so far on our journey.

Break the screen.

Ryan + the rest of the Storytail team 💜👊

Ryan Hayward
Co-Founder, Storytail
Become the experience your audience craves.

Communicate, tell stories and present your way. Storytail allows you to host in an environment that you control.